
A Student can:

  • Apply for a FIRE Fellowship
  • Apply for an external granting agency fellowship
  • Apply for an industrial award

FIRE fellowships are meant to cover the extra-costs incurred by the students to travel and lodge abroad. Each case will be considered on an individual basis, and shall be treated as such.

Application Procedure

Applications for FIRE Fellowships are to be sent to the Secretariat, at any time. Each candidate has to:

  1. Describe his program of study
  2. Provide a transcript of his academic record which establish his competency on refractory related subjects
  • Set out his projected needs for funds, to cover the extra costs budgeted
  1. Provide a recommendation letter from his supervisor
  2. Provide a short curriculum vitae, with a picture of himself, valid for a passport


Funding opportunities for international students through FIRE organization are controlled at the base institution of the student, but the final selection is being made through the Secretariat.

Announcements of the Fellowships are to be made some six weeks after applications are being received.